Elwin Street Productions

Calm Belly Cookbook

Hardback PLC240 x 171 mm, 176 pagesISBN: 9781911130420RRP: £14.99

Hardback PLC

240 x 171 mm, 176 pages

ISBN: 9781911130420

RRP: £14.99

A diet based on low FODMAP principles, which aims to eliminate the common carbohydrates that trigger a reaction, is a scientifically proven method to self diagnose and identify the foods that cause inflammation and gut problems.

The Calm Belly Cookbook shows that food suitable for sensitive stomachs can be varied, comforting and delicious, and that following a low FODMAP diet doesn’t mean you can’t eat dishes you love, you just need to adapt them!

Contains over 80 delicious recipes designed to calm the stomach, but not the taste buds, including breakfasts, snacks, simple sauces, comforting mains and sweet treats.

Cecile Hauge Ågotnes is a long-term sufferer of IBS. Her personal story is empowering, as she is someone who has been there herself and has devoted her time to spreading the word and helping others take charge of their health.

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